5 Mistakes in Generating Business ideas

5 mistakes in generating business ideas

The importance of generating business ideas is given because the resolution of any problem is given precisely by an idea. For this reason, I think it is essential that you know the typical errors in which you could fall.

It is not a trivial question, since many businesses have never seen the light because in this phase the entrepreneur has collapsed, or they have seen the light, but from the hands of a third party who has managed to correctly manage the generation process of business ideas.

In this process there are some typical mistakes that we can make, and I am going to help you identify them.

Mistake # 1: "This idea is not worth it"

It is necessary to differentiate between the generation of business ideas and their validation.

Making a very graphic simile with the human reproductive process, the generation of business ideas is the moment when the sperm go out to hunt for the ovum.

Why do I use this comparison? Well, for the following:

- They leave without knowing very well where they are going, but that does not matter. What matters for the moment is getting out.

- There are many, but in the end only one will remain.

Stick with this: in the initial stage it's all about generating ideas, the more the merrier. Later we will see what are worth, those that are not, those that must be developed, etc.

Mistake # 2: "My idea is going to succeed"

The generation of ideas is a creative resource that arises as a response to solve something, so an idea that does not solve anything we cannot qualify as such, but rather as an occurrence.

Therefore, ideas solve problems, or at least say they present alternatives to a situation that is blocked.

It is a very common mistake in the process of generating ideas that our ego comes into action, and makes us think that our idea is going to be the next industrial revolution. The mistake itself is making us lose sight of the fact that we have a problem to solve.

We fall in love with the idea and believe that it is what the problem needs, but we do not look at the problem or who suffers it.

Mistake # 3: "I don't need anyone"

In this first phase, as I have already mentioned before, the fundamental thing is to produce ideas, the more the better.

That is why the idea generation process will be improved qualitatively and quantitatively if we carry it out with other people. Moreover, I would dare to say that if these people have nothing to do with what we are trying to solve, all the better since their minds will not be contaminated with preconceptions or other conventions.

A widely used technique is brainstorming, in which each participant blurts out the first thing that comes to mind based on a central theme. Of course, the group is not very large (between 5 and 10 people), so that it is neither very poor nor very unmanageable.

Mistake # 4: "This is absurd"

I have to confess that I am one of those who, when the first mobile phones began to be seen, said that this was only practical for people who needed to be reachable. If they told me a few years ago that we would all have one, I would have said it is absurd. And with the internet ...

As you may have deduced, we should not question any idea that emerges from our thinking at this stage. Logic does not work in the idea generation process.

This is because logic kills creativity. And if not, think about what I have told you above. Logic told me that these devices were not for everyone (because of price, because we already had a phone at home or at work, for privacy ...).

In addition, the creative process goes from less to more, that is why you have to leave freedom. At first, more ideas come out and of less quality, but as we progress we will get fewer ideas of higher quality.

My advice is that you do not question the ideas that emerged from the idea generation process and allow it to progress.

Mistake # 5: "Let's see if they'll steal my idea ..."

Ideas are not stolen. Ideas are put into practice.

An idea is just an idea. I am not one of those who thinks that an idea is worth nothing, but I also do not think that they will steal it from you just like that.

In the process of generating ideas, it is good that those that arise we put them in common with other people to obtain points of view that enrich their value.

Another thing is an idea already developed or a business plan, but I insist that the difficulty is not in the generation of ideas, but in putting them into practice.

What other mistakes do you know when generating business ideas?

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