Financing and guarantees for entrepreneurs

Financing and guarantees for entrepreneurs

Bank financing is one of the most frequent measures that many entrepreneurs go to when they are starting a business. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to cover the large amount of payments that you have to face.

Bank financing is one of the most frequent measures that many entrepreneurs go to when they are starting a business. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to cover the large amount of payments that you have to face.

Expenses faced by an entrepreneur

First of all, we show you what are the general expenses that any entrepreneur must face:

  • Local rental. If your business is physical, you will need a place to serve your customers.
  • Marketing and advertising strategies. Currently, digital advertising strategies are essential to make ourselves known. Ideally, you should hire an expert who can handle this task.
  • Administrative, fiscal and financial expenses. Regardless of the type of company you want to set up, you will have to respond to some responsibilities such as licenses, payment to Social Security, etc.
  • Supplies of electricity, water, internet, telephone and others.
  • Office supplies or tools and machinery.
  • Employee payroll, which may carry supplements for travel or other reasons.

In addition to all these expenses, do not forget that something unforeseen can always come.

What is a guarantee for the company?

It is a contract by which an entity guarantees that it will respond to the beneficiary in the event that he or she cannot take over any payment obligation.

Guarantees provide greater coverage to banks. On the other hand, they make the company have greater financing possibilities and, in addition, obtain the best conditions in terms of interest rates and repayment terms.

Benefits of financial guarantees

With the figure of a financial guarantee you will obtain the following advantages:

  • You will get immediate liquidity for the needs of your business treasury: payment to suppliers, employee payroll, license expenses, etc.
  • You will be able to carry out leasing operations.
  • You will have the possibility to buy machinery, as well as other types of useful material for your activity.
  • You will have greater security to respond to unforeseen expenses.

What is an SGR and how can it help you?

Reciprocal Guarantee Societies are financial entities that are in charge of providing SMEs and freelancers with the best financing for your project.

In addition, its functions go much further, since thanks to these entities we have the possibility of being properly trained in financial and business matters. Without a doubt, something essential to guarantee the success of our business.

The SGRs are made up of:

  • Participating partners, that is, the beneficiaries (SMEs and the self-employed).
  • Protective partners. Those entities that contribute their resources (Public Administrations, Chambers of Commerce, Credit Institutions ...).

Reciprocal Guarantee Companies are financial entities subject to supervision and inspection by the Bank of Spain.

With Aval Sí: the easiest way to get financing for your company

With Aval Sí, the web platform launched by the 18 SGR, is the perfect ally for your company to easily access a guarantee. It will provide you with the following advantages:

  • You will get the best financing for your business.
  • You will have advice throughout the process so that you understand every detail.
  • Through the guarantee, you will obtain better conditions in terms of terms and interest rates.
  • The process to obtain financing will be simple and easy.

To get all these benefits, you must enter the web, select one of the 18 SGR that are distributed throughout the national territory, start the application process and attach the required documentation. In just a few steps you will be closer to starting your business successfully.


As you have seen, financing for entrepreneurs constitutes a fundamental support point. In addition to allowing you to deal with a large amount of expenses and investments, it will make the company obtain further growth safely.

With the SGR guarantee, we will obtain immediate financing to carry out the operations that our business needs safely and efficiently.

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