How to Promote a young website

How to promote a young website

How to promote a young website

After the creation of a new Internet resource, the question of its promotion immediately arises. It will be effective due to the systematic build-up of active external links and an increase in the level of trust of search engines. How to promote a young site is described step by step in this article.

What to do after creating a website

The following are technical measures that will help to index a young site in search engines in a short time.

Collecting the semantic core

Correctly compiling the semantic core is an important step in the long-term success of a web project. Mediocre results can be obtained when creating a kernel using standard tools, such as Yandex.Wordstat. It will effectively cope with its task, but without working out the semantics, the outcome may not please you. Therefore, to improve the collection of the semantic core, other techniques are also used - focusing and expansion.

As for focusing, it is the main cleaner of the semantic core; at this stage, only those requests that relate to the topic of the site are left, they are also called target. The second stage is related to the expansion of the semantic core due to targeted queries, in the future this will increase the number of transitions to the page.

At the stage of selecting target queries, a selection of phrases is compiled that match the criteria of the site. The selection of targeted queries includes:

  • basic services and their description;
  • presented product categories;
  • trade offers;
  • brand inquiries.

If collecting targeted queries is difficult, the semantic core can be collected using the Key Collector program:

  1. Run the program and create a new project.
  2. Add a list of collected stop words (if any).
  3. Specify the region in which the collection of exact phrases will take place.
  4. Click Batch Collect Words From Left Column.
  5. In the pop-up window, configure the collection of phrases.
  6. Get a list of words that make it easier to create a semantic core.

The next step in building a kernel is request filtering. Phrases with a low-frequency query and duplicates are removed from the collected list. The last step on the way to filtering is to remove keywords that do not fit the topic of the site.

After the completion of the collection of information, the core is unloaded from the program as an excel table with an indication of the groups, which is convenient for further distribution of requests across the pages of the site.


The primary content of the site begins with the creation of pages and is based on the collected requests of the semantic core. The next step will be filling the site with informative articles and generating quality content. When creating content, the completeness of the response to the request is important. In this case, you will not be able to pour "water" in order to interest the audience. On the contrary, such behavior will lead to bounce rates and disruptions due to the behavioral factor of visitors.

High-quality content builds audience loyalty, which will help create a stable connection when changing algorithms. The formation of the content of a young domain occurs in two directions:

  • optimization of sections for promotion;
  • creation of selling descriptions for cards.

High-quality website content lies not only in texts, but also in images, audio and video formats, titles and meta tags.

Text content of the site:

  1. Copyright - unique content created from scratch. The author's material disposes the audience to the product, which has a positive effect on conversion and sales.
  2. Rewrite is a reworked material of the finished text.
  3. Translation - translation, as well as writing, creates unique content from the point of view of search engines.
  4. Copy-paste - direct copying of articles without making changes. The easiest way to create content for those who are ready to fall under the sanctions of search engines and copyright.

For the best result, the development of text content should be carried out taking into account the following indicators:

  1. Uniqueness - someone else's content is not used to fill your site. At the same time, the author's article should be interesting and high quality.
  2. Water content is the main indicator of the information content of the text (semantic load).
  3. Nausea - repetitive words and phrases. Search sites perceive high scores as being spammy.
  4. Content structuring - the text is divided into semantic blocks, headings are used.

Audio content includes music, recorded interviews, webinars, and lectures. Audio content works to increase the audience's trust in the site and builds awareness of the product. Selling sites can use audio instructions, and image sites - presentations and lectures of successful specialists.

Video content includes not only video clips, but also instructional videos, virtual tours and video presentations. This type of content can be filmed independently or bought from professional operators, taken from free sources and attracted to the creation of site visitors by organizing contests. Placing high-quality video material increases website conversion by 80%.

Text material filled with illustrations improves the perception of the text and makes it easy to read. The category of images includes:

  • animations
  • photos
  • schemes
  • screenshots
  • slides

Text with pictures gets more attention than a regular article. To increase traffic by 12%, it is worth using infographics, in recent years it is especially relevant.

After the creation of the primary content, it is analyzed. The check is aimed at the compliance of the material with the assigned tasks and goals of the site. At the moment of analysis, errors, unnecessary repetitions are eliminated and the lack of information is made up.

Content optimization is carried out by introducing keywords into the site material, thanks to which users can find it.

contextual advertising

To increase site traffic, contextual advertising is used. This tool allows you to get a large amount of traffic, but if configured incorrectly, it affects the quality of the advertising campaign. How to set up contextual advertising correctly, and what it includes, is described below.

Contextual advertising is advertisements that are shown on search sites depending on the user's request. For example, if a person is looking for "hair curlers with clips", then the search engine will show advertisements in which this product is sold along with the results.

Advertising of this type brings a significant percentage of reach, therefore, it is well suited for showing the products of the site to a large number of people. Considering that it is aimed at showing for those who are already looking for this product or service, the likelihood of purchasing a product through your site increases.

Using this type of ads, you can advertise any type of product. It is worth remembering that for promotion in many niches, the price per click is very high. Therefore, before starting an advertising campaign, you should consider whether it will be beneficial.

Types of contextual advertising:

  • search engine - based on a search query and placed on the results page;
  • thematic - aimed at sites with a similar theme.

Contextual advertising can be presented in the form of banners, text ads and videos.

Maintaining social networks

Maintaining social media gives you a clear idea of your audience and potential site visitors. Through the social pages of the company (brand), you can find out what the audience is interested in, what it highlights, and what it wants to interact with more. Taking into account the characteristics of users, you can correct the information on the site, the goods and services presented.

Social networks for website promotion are useful because:

  • create a portrait of the target audience - they show who is interested in the product and interacts with the content, which category of people subscribes, what your product can give visitors;
  • give coverage and mentions - the more site content is on social networks, the more mentions about it;
  • increase engagement - tracking engagement helps create engaging content. This includes likes, reposts, and comments;
  • provide transitions to the site - customers are attracted through social networks: leads, registrations, emails are collected, thanks to this, conversion is tracked;
  • you can create an employer brand - using this method, the company talks about employees, their hobbies and life positions.

A social media campaign begins with a portrait of the target audience. The next step is to determine what you need to get, it can be registering on the site, selling a product or service, or subscribing to a newsletter. After that, advertising is set up through the services of the social network on which the site's account is located.

Working with reviews

From the reviews you can find out what people think of you. And by building the right communication, the trust of visitors is earned.

The main tactics for working with reviews:

  1. Don't delete bad reviews, if any. Having only reviews of a good plan can sow doubts in the eyes of people, if only because it is impossible to please everyone.
  2. Negative reviews require the right response. If the client left a review without specifics, ask him to describe the reason for the dissatisfaction. Throughout the entire contact, you need to remain benevolent and tactful, while using concise answers, since not everyone will read large messages.
  3. It's important to get in touch with unhappy customers. Determine the reason for the dissatisfaction, and try to correct the situation.
  4. Encourage customers to leave reviews. After servicing the client, send an email to his email address asking him to leave your feedback. Ask if everything suits the buyer, and if there are any wishes.
  5. When sorting reviews, use geo-targeting. Using this method, the home page will display reviews from people who live in your city and area.

Competitor analysis

When creating a website, the question arises of how to go one level with competitors and become even higher.

To identify competitors, it is worth looking for sites with similar topics. This also includes the price level of goods or services and geographic location.

Pay attention to the number of social media posts and YouTube videos a competitor has posted. Study the reaction of people to posts of various kinds and get a general idea of ​​the target audience. Yandex.Blog Search will help you track your activity. Study the keywords that competitors are promoting on social media. You can identify a competitor's traffic in a simple way - by tracking the number of article views.

Looking at a competitor's site through the eyes of an ordinary visitor, you can identify what exactly you do not like, what you want to change, remove or add. The presence of annoying colors, how convenient is the design and interface, is the navigation in the menu section accurate. Evaluate the level of content of the site, its blocks and sections, whether there are calls to action (buy a product, leave an email address). In this way, in a short time, you can correct the design and navigation of your site, making it convenient and clickable for visitors.

The article provides brief instructions on how to promote a young site, only the main stages of this process are described. We will not deny that there are many nuances that have not been mentioned. The promotion stage is a very individual event, and it is possible to reduce risks only by starting to carry out all the steps in practice and carefully analyzing the current situation.

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