Flexible compensation allows you to save more than € 2,000 per year on an average salary
More and more companies have flexible compensation plans for their employees.
It is set receiving part of the profits in every day tax-exempt services, in place of amassing the complete earnings within the shape of cash, with the reason of reaching financial savings in the final internet profits of the employee.
Payment for services is deducted from the employee's gross profits, which interprets into a reduction within the taxable base of his personal income tax and, consequently, a notable improvement in his purchasing strength.
It is known as flexible repayment, because the employee is obtainable the freedom to decide which of those available offerings to allocate to his salary, in addition to the exact a part of the profits that the worker needs to get hold of in offerings, with out exceeding 30% of it.
Among the maximum famous services offered by means of groups are the eating place price ticket, the shipping check, or the nursery ticket.
Below we can provide an explanation for how, with one of the services along with the nursery price tag, the worker can shop as much as extra than 2000 euros in step with 12 months in a median salary.
How do you save with the check or daycare ticket?
The nursery check or nursery ticket consists of the worker allocating part of her salary (which will be exempt from income tax), to pay for the nursery service of the children who are between 0 and 3 years old.
Being fully exempt from personal profits tax, it allows savings of up to a few monthly payments a yr in kindergartens
Therefore, if we allocate 30% of an average income to daycare exams (23,646 in line with the INE) the employee can store round 2,234 euros per year.
This method a mean saving of greater than 186 euros per month (if it's far used 365 days of the yr) with none modification in the contribution base of the worker who uses this service.
Likewise, it's far a highly clean and relaxed provider for the employees who take advantage of it, considering, as soon as the request is processed, they only ought to wait to get hold of the daycare ticket of their e-mail.
Once acquired, it may be used as a price foreign money in extra than 6,500 nurseries nationwide.
However, within the occasion that a employee wishes to take their baby to a kindergarten that isn't always a part of the 1/3-party's nursery community, the customer support group would be in rate of dealing with it so as to be able to provide that service to the employee.
Advantages of flexible compensation
The benefits that arise from the application of flexible remuneration, both for the companies that offer it, as well as for the workers who enjoy it or for the service companies that accept it, are various.
Benefits for the company
In economic terms, the option of offering daily services such as food, childcare or transportation is tremendously beneficial, since it is 100% tax deductible in Corporation Tax.
By assuming an improvement in the purchasing power of employees, it is possible to increase their motivation and consequently, their productivity levels.
It has also been shown that variable remuneration, such as the daycare ticket, allows talent to be attracted and retained. Something extremely important in a work context in which added value plays a decisive role when choosing or keeping a job.
Benefits for service companies that accept tickets
This would be the case, for example, nursery schools that offer nursery vouchers, due to the fact that there are heaps of parents who use it every month.
Thanks to the benefit of charge that it supposes, it enables to maintain customers. Clients who, if happy, will no longer hesitate to suggest the nursery to different mother and father within the place of business.
Finally, it need to be cited that the kindergartens that be given the nursery price tag make certain that they acquire their payments on time and securely each month.