How to Start Business in 2021

The entry of a new year is always the ideal time to introduce changes. In fact, many people set long lists of challenges and goals for themselves. A good purpose would be to start a company, but do you know how to do it? In this article we show you several tips to undertake in 2021.

When you decide to materialize your business idea in a real company you must pay attention to certain factors to avoid making mistakes and make those decisions that achieve the success of your company.

Is it a good idea to undertake?

Setting up our own business can have its lights and its shadows. However, we believe that the advantages will always outweigh the disadvantages, since the latter can be controlled to a certain extent if we carry out good management.

Among the advantages of being an entrepreneur, we highlight the following:

  • Offers greater job stability.
  • As an entrepreneur, you will be the one who sets the pace of work, so you will enjoy greater autonomy. Of course, you will also have to take care of some responsibilities.
  • One of the best benefits is personal satisfaction, since you will see your company grow from its inception.
  • You can aspire to higher income. If we plan our project correctly and are successful, our income is likely to rise.

5 tips to undertake

In case you have decided to join the venture, pay attention to the following tips:

1. Study the market

First, you need to understand how the market for the industry you want to pursue works. For example, if you want to set up a real estate, analyze other agencies around you, check if they manage to get clients, what methods they use, if there is a target audience in the area, etc.

2. Define your goals

Although a priori it seems somewhat simple, preparing a business plan can become a somewhat arduous task, therefore, we recommend you go to a professional.

Establish objectives that follow the SMART formula (specific, measurable, achievable, result, time), that is, each of the challenges must be specific, measurable, achievable and offer results over time.

3. Define your ideal customer

One step that we should not skip under any circumstances is to define our ideal client. We are not only referring to describing basic data, but going deeper and even mentioning your tastes, hobbies, purchasing power, etc. This will allow you to successfully carry out a large number of marketing strategies.

4. Establish a budget

We come to the most delicate part. To open a company we will need to have prior money to invest.

Keep in mind that there will be costs for licenses, insurance, rent, payment to professionals ..., so we advise you to have a sufficient amount to meet all these payments.

If you don't have savings or don't want to part with them, don't worry! You can request an online credit for SMEs and freelancers.

Thanks to these grants, you will be able to carry out your business without losing large sums of money.

In addition, currently some platforms such as Konfío grant you this type of loan in a simple way without you even having to move from home. You just have to fill out a form and attach a series of documents.

5. Make a good team

For a company to function properly it needs to have the support of a team of experts. Your mission will be to select those suitable people for the different positions. Each team member will bring her talents and skills to increase productivity and keep the business running smoothly.


As you have seen throughout the article, setting up your own business offers a large number of advantages, but in order for your business to grow and maintain itself over time, you must pay attention to a series of factors.

Luckily, at present it is not necessary to have large savings to join the venture, since there are entities that offer us the help we need.

We hope that you will find our tips to start in 2021 useful. We wish you success and encourage you to make your business idea come true.

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