5 Low investment business models

5 Low investment business models

Low investment businesses are characterized by their simplicity, they deserve the use of little capital to start and are based on the skills of people. With this type of business you can start and little by little acquire the necessary experience to handle larger businesses, including reinvesting and capitalizing on it so that it grows.

Low investment business models

When starting a business, the first thing you should keep in mind is its objective and here I am not talking about the economic part, about the profit that you are obviously looking for and which is also important, I am talking about its objective in the market , of what is the specific need that this business comes to cover.

Whatever investment you plan to make, start by observing a latent need and then the ideal is that you take advantage of your skills and experiences to develop it and that the investment is as low as possible.

How to start a low investment business

Stop being an employee to have your own business, it is usually a dream of many people. But

What to do when you have few resources?

If you are new to this field, the first thing you should guide is regarding the business model, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the different options, also see that it suits your profile and possibilities. You should also strengthen leadership, management and business planning skills.

Unleash your creativity and make the most of your skills.

With this I want to tell you that you cannot set up a food business if you do not like cooking, or a business selling arts or crafts if you are not good at it, unless in your investment capital you count to hire those who do that work .

If you lack ideas and you feel at a crossroads because you don't know what to do or what to decide, here are some ideas on how to set up 5 business models with low investment.

Low investment business models

Low investment business models

Planning and organization of events

If you are an organized person, you may consider setting up a small business that offers event planning and organization services. You just need to establish contacts and offer your services.

  • It starts with events like birthdays, graduations, weddings.
  • It offers the client the option of complete or partial planning and presents different budgets, this will give options that fit the personal budget and will give greater possibilities when it comes to attracting a client.
  • Organize a briefcase of people or companies to subcontract, offering specific services that you will need, such as florists, furniture rental for parties, music, photographers, food service and pastries.
  • Save images of each work done to create your own sample book.
  • This business has growth potential, over time you can inject capital and acquire equipment, clothing and stop outsourcing.

Massage services business

It is a simple business to start, it offers good profitability, you only need to have knowledge about the different types of massages, which you can obtain through courses, a stretcher for patients and a room for this work. Or you could offer the service at home and get a special stretcher and car to get around.

Nowadays the high levels of tension and stress make anyone like to have a good massage, if you undertake this type of business, it is vital that you care about a good specialization, that your massages satisfy the needs of the client. This ensures you not just a client but a chain of referrals, which will make the business grow quickly. After a while you can invest in renting a place to make massage cubicles, hire staff and manage your own spa.

Sports business

This type of business is especially aimed at those people who have a sporting ability, you can start offering the personalized or group training service.

This is a very low-cost business idea, considering that outdoor exercise is very fashionable, you can set up your Zumba gym, dance therapy, yoga, karate, or any other that is your specialty, in a nearby park , where you only mobilize the musicalization equipment, without the need to resort to expensive devices. To grow after a while you have the option of renting a site and offering different sports activities.

It is important that you keep in mind to keep up to date with new trends and take courses that give you certifications to offer quality service.

Sale of art and all kinds of specialized crafts

An artist has the ability to turn any matter into a work of art, whether they are simple, classic or modern works, they will always take place on the wall, a table, or a corner of any home, office, shopping center, etc. With this I mean that, if you enter this type of business, you have a huge diversity of potential buyers.

Analyze what type of client you want to attract and attack one type of client at a time, you can make small exhibitions and grow until you achieve perhaps your own art salon. This business is quite lucrative, the biggest investment you must make is your time and creativity, so it is important to be careful of the value you give to your work.

And you can also sell through an online store.

Artisan food

This is a very fashionable low-investment business, you see more and more these small home businesses that start by packaging various vegetables, jams, preserves or packaging some types of cookies, pasta, breads. Among other categories these are the two most frequent, of course that will depend on the audience you want to cover and where you are going to sell it.

Setting up a restaurant involves a large investment. If yours is the kitchen, you can start from home and for sale you take your packaged products or some desserts to restaurants, chain stores or create your food truck or kiosk where the investment is lower.

Remember to find out all the corresponding permits, whether they are health or commercial, since the sale of food usually has these regulations, so you will avoid problems. Depending on the quality of your product, you will be able to open new markets and grow in this business.

Sacrifice and perseverance

The important thing is that you follow your convictions and never stop working hard for your dreams. The fruits of your effort may take time to arrive depending on the nature of the business and the economic cycles in the country you are in.

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