Having your own source of income makes you feel free and boosts your self-confidence. We list several ways to make money, including without investment.
Income associated with certain physical activities
The main areas of activity that generate income for a schoolchild or student and related to physical labor include:
1. Distribution of brochures or leaflets advertising the company
the most popular way of earning money among young people. Finding an advertiser is easy - just flip through ads in local media or on ad portals. You will need free time to work, so most often you can meet schoolchildren with leaflets in the late afternoon. Such a source of income can bring in a good amount.
2. Execution of one-time assignments.
For work, you can create a group of schoolchildren who, for a certain fee, walk the dogs, wash the car, clean the yard or house, carry a small load, sit with the child. In this area, you can take the position of an intermediary and receive a small percentage from each order for the provision of labor.
3. Using a hobby to generate income.
For example, those who like to embroider or handicraft can sell their goods through retail outlets, independently or via the Internet. Learning a craft is not that difficult. At the same time, it is not necessary to pay for training, since on the Internet you can find a huge number of videos with free master classes.
4. Courier work with certain restrictions.
Such activities usually require vehicles. Without the latter, it will be difficult to move around the city, and difficulties may arise with fast order fulfillment. But in each case, the conditions of the employer should be considered. If the distances over which the courier is sent are small, then a pedestrian can cope with a similar assignment.
5. Work in student teams (STO).
They accept not only students, but also adolescents from the age of 16. Usually this is a different job in stores with very flexible schedules. Ideal for summer and even school. The main job search resource: msto.ru
How can you make money on the Internet.
There is practically not a single child who does not know how to use electronic resources. Therefore, it is fair to use this source to generate income.
There are quite a few options for making money on the Internet. For teenagers, the following methods are suitable:
- receiving rewards for likes, posting a link on your page on a social network, etc.
- maintaining your own information site, blog - attracting a large number of interested users will make the blog popular among advertisers who are ready to pay for placing their information on the blogger's page.
- conducting video lessons - such an activity does not always require professional knowledge, especially when it comes to videos that are interesting to other teenagers.
- working as a freelancer is a rather profitable option if you build the process correctly;
- administration of a group in a widely used social network - you can act as a creator or performer.
- creation of a trading platform for the resale of things, as well as partnerships - this way of earning will require certain financial investments at the beginning of the activity. It is not necessary to create your own online store, you can successfully use Instagram.
For teaching, you can use ready-made courses from the following schools:
- Netology (netology.ru) and Geekbrains.ru: SEO, SMM, contextual advertising, internet marketing, copywriting, UX design and much more.
- Puzat (puzat.ru): webmastering from A to Z.
You can study on your own, but it will take much more time.
What to read?
- Think like a millionaire. 17 Lessons to Wealth, ”by Harv Ecker. The author of the book believes that each of us has a personal financial program that determines the level of financial well-being, and gives practical advice on how to change it if necessary. One of the most useful books!
- Memoirs of authorities. Many successful people always write a book about their life path during their lifetime, sometimes from childhood, share their experiences, talk about how they overcame difficulties and became successful. Their memoirs are the easiest way to “communicate” with them and learn the most important and interesting things from their lives.